If you really READ my post...THE TOPIC (that I want out of) WAS ILQVG was mentioned (and edited later) in the title...which I suggested (and was done---thank you very much) to be removed coz hey...you're on QL :P

Did you read that part where I posted/said I was with the FIRST AND THE SECOND/LAST Iftar Distribution campaign? I think not.

You just assume that since I didn't confirm with donating anything, I won't show up....that is not nice.

Last time, I wasn't available for the collection and/or packing before but I did show up during the distribution...right?

BTW, Khanan's list is numbered...I'm in #3 which is good with me...coz Khanan and SPEED knows I'm gonna show up for this like before.

When I saw YOUR UPDATED list...my name wasn't there anymore coz you haven't read my confirmation...so what do you call that, if not getting my name "bumped off the list"?

I said it wasn't nice..that's what I thought of it and like I said, if it rocks your boat...just an expression that I don't really mind...

@SPEED : You know why I'm not THAT visible as before but I do show up when I can. As I said, I was with you guys in the first two, so what reason why I won't be for thiss one...right? :)