internet surfing (QL, Facebook, games, movie streaming), WORK, WORK, WORK....and of course, QLSG :)

QLSG and Ql plays a big part of my social life (or whetever's left of here in Qatar. It whiles away my loneliness...and not being homesick.

Nowadays..if I feel alone, I go to see a very good friend, hear each other's laments about work and life...misery loves company, you know...hehehe

Or, I call my son (he's 12 and a half; 6th grade) and we talk about his school activities and all that.

I call my daughter(she's 19 y/o)...and we talk about everythings that's happening back home (she's my eyes and ears)

And I call my MOM...just to hear her voice (and nagging) makes me feel ok. :)

Somebody said that LONELINESS is "a state of mind"....try to be more busy and go out and mingle. :)