for your input in all the so called "religeous" and "arab" forums.... you really do put everything so simply and clearly, that even someone like me who has a hard time understanding things sometimes, can understand. And not once have I ever known you to be judgemental:-) You are a breath of fresh air.
Alhamdillilah that you decided to join QL when you did, I have learnt so much from you over the last few weeks:-)
for your input in all the so called "religeous" and "arab" forums.... you really do put everything so simply and clearly, that even someone like me who has a hard time understanding things sometimes, can understand. And not once have I ever known you to be judgemental:-) You are a breath of fresh air.
Alhamdillilah that you decided to join QL when you did, I have learnt so much from you over the last few weeks:-)
Thank you Genesis, very informative as always.