your loan wouldn't matter or affect your application. what will matter is that you are able to:
- prove that you have a stable job and earning good salary here. 7 years working in one company is a plus factor (i was granted after 6 years working here in one company and a number of attempts :)
- show them a salary certificate (one of the major requirements as they will base their decision there)
- show a letter from your company allowing you to travel and vouching for the number of years working with them.
- convince them that your travel is short time only, meaning 1 to 2 weeks, not more or else they might become suspicious.
- be specific and mention the places you wish to visit (e.g. Disney World, Disneyland... well that's true, i thought it was just joke before), and not just say visit relatives and friends... and never ever tell that you have a first degree relative who is a citizen there, even if you have, esp. if you are single and young ;)
- be prepared and give your best shot in answering this question as this will truly help a lot to get a positive result: "what is the nature of your work?" answer confidently and show them that your work here is very important to you and that you have no plans of abandoning it.
- pray a lot to get that visa :)
take my advise, coz i just did a few months back and i got more than what i have asked for :)
your loan wouldn't matter or affect your application. what will matter is that you are able to:
- prove that you have a stable job and earning good salary here. 7 years working in one company is a plus factor (i was granted after 6 years working here in one company and a number of attempts :)
- show them a salary certificate (one of the major requirements as they will base their decision there)
- show a letter from your company allowing you to travel and vouching for the number of years working with them.
- convince them that your travel is short time only, meaning 1 to 2 weeks, not more or else they might become suspicious.
- be specific and mention the places you wish to visit (e.g. Disney World, Disneyland... well that's true, i thought it was just joke before), and not just say visit relatives and friends... and never ever tell that you have a first degree relative who is a citizen there, even if you have, esp. if you are single and young ;)
- be prepared and give your best shot in answering this question as this will truly help a lot to get a positive result: "what is the nature of your work?" answer confidently and show them that your work here is very important to you and that you have no plans of abandoning it.
- pray a lot to get that visa :)
take my advise, coz i just did a few months back and i got more than what i have asked for :)