The genesis of the Illuminati dates back over 1000 years to the Khazar Jews, who converted en masse to Judaism in the 9th century AD. At one time, the Khazars were among the most powerful nations on earth - and their country, Khazaria,

held a key strategic geographic location and a powerful army that was able to hold back the Roman Empire, the Vikings and the Asian Horde.

Eventually they were conquered and dispersed. From their dispersed members came the Rothschilds (which literally means "red shield" and explains the family crest of a red pentagram identical in design to the blue Star of David). Many point to that evil inbred family as mankind's best evidence of Satan. How else can one explain an evil plan for world domination that spans centuries and fails to produce any decent offspring in generation after inbred generation (the Rothschilds have married almost exclusively within their own family unless it has been to forge political alliances with royalty to help them gain control of more countries). How, other than a supernatural intelligence that defies time, does one explain plans that span centuries?

The names and families mentioned in the article are correct - including the Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, Bushes, etc., as are the countries and banks they control (or very close to it).