here's is what you are offended by:
'The phrase "Tom, Dick and Harry" is a placeholder for multiple unspecified people; "Tom, Dick or Harry" plays the same role for one unspecified person.' (Wikipedia)

The QAWS fire thread was a forum thread - not a Animal group thread - (QAWS and Pet Group are NOT one in the same) so I have no idea why you brough this up... and if you insist, then just following threads recently on QAWS bashing, should give you an idea of why it is preferable to have groups (no group in particular) as "member only" entities (when someone starts a "feel good thread - about an achievement) and then ends up being bashed... its better when you can have some control....

Someone starts a group, because they have an interest - they run the group as is seen fit... if people don't like it, then they can leave the group - take the QLSG - I started that group - there were rules and regulations - when someone stepped out of line they got a chance - if they did it again, they were out - but still had to deal with cr*p on the Group because the people were able to post....

I see nothing hypocritical about having the groups closed - its the admins prerogotive on running the group.... On the forum - people can post as they like - but I do think Mods should first screen what they are deleting...