became and not

What some people seem to forget is that we are living in Qatar, so the threads on here are based on Qatar.... what happens here, not anywhere else in the world....

Sag... you don't get out much, do you? 'Thank God such perversion is void in this culture. And what about that tonnes of porn produced in west to feed perverts'

What NON perverts would you be talking about? would those be the ones in traditional (not specifically local traditional clothing) that follow a woman around in their vehicle... or accost them on the streets and in parking lots? Would those be the ones that sit in their cars and R/A in the same traditional dress and make disgusting gestures with their mobiles phones... (one made eye contact with me and licked his phone - ewwww)

Would those be the NON perverts again in traditional dress (again nothing specific) that go around giving their mobile numbers to other men, in the hopes they will get some action....

No Sag, your society is not perverted... not in the least...

and just so you know Sag.... my method of dress is precisely Chelsea's - Jeans and T-shirt and normall smelling like animals... so I definately don't dress to provoke anyone.... but I seem to attract the weird ones...

Ohhhh,... and I am almost sure I read somewhere that Saudi is probably one of the biggest 'consumers' of porn in the world.... will find that link and get back to you!!!!