lol @nasser, ma3laish they came here for a better life.

@happy happy, you're right, we're not.

@EXLegend, thanx :

@happygolucky.... yeah it is actually,although it's just another Arab Muslim country.. feels bad to see so many natives still not getting benefits from Qatarization while many expatriates come here and find great jobs and everything on a silver platter..
in my uni for example there's supposed to be at least 45%seats reserved for qatari students and only 6 out of the accepted applicants are natives? No other country would settle for this. i know the language and experience count but I believe no country should plan on developing economically if it will come at the cost of health and education investment of the natives, this should be top priority. What they should have done is some kind of extensive language training or introduced the education of skill-oriented necessary elements into the curriculum of the average schools in Qatar rather than in a few schools which most won't send their kids to and then expect them to perform so well in universities and jobs.
Maybe they have another plan but I'm just speaking my mind here.