Obviously Cell phone signals do interfer with the Navigation of the aircraft.. It has happened twice, but both the time aircrafts managed to get out of the vertical dive. They had sufficent altitude, to recover.
Legal_pad, before every flight Co-pilot checks the maintenance log book for previous defects and were they repaired or not. So this is rubbish that both the pilots didn't checked the maintenance log book of the particular aircraft.
Regarding the tyre burst upon touch down that was because of the braking and the pilot would have put the auto brakes on 3 that means tyre temp would rise..
Obviously Cell phone signals do interfer with the Navigation of the aircraft.. It has happened twice, but both the time aircrafts managed to get out of the vertical dive. They had sufficent altitude, to recover.
Legal_pad, before every flight Co-pilot checks the maintenance log book for previous defects and were they repaired or not. So this is rubbish that both the pilots didn't checked the maintenance log book of the particular aircraft.
Regarding the tyre burst upon touch down that was because of the braking and the pilot would have put the auto brakes on 3 that means tyre temp would rise..