my big boss' name.

He always say, "if you have a problem, talk to ____."

So, I told him: "We are talking here about OPERATIONS/ADMINISTRATION. So, don't tell me talk to ____ coz he's the "MANAGEMENT" and he hired you to do a job. I don't have a problem with _____ only with you and since you (and your staff) created a BIG PROBLEM with me for my department, you are answerable to me. If you can't handle your job or your staff...RESIGN and let someone who knows the job do it!!!"

From then on, he stopped mentioning the boss' name.

My point is....nationality has nothing to do with the job your hired for. Unfortunately, generally speaking...I've seen people getting hired because of the "wasta"... and these people has "the nerve" to demand a HIGH SALARY when they know nothing from SHYET....which is pathetic...gggrrrr!!!!