Rain is not the cause of the crash, It was a pilot error for sure. If he had a doubt in his mind that he would miss the touch down point he should have initiated a go around, which he didn't.
Pilots were also experienced, The first Officer was landing the aircraft, previously he had made 66 landings in mangalore. Captain had made 19 landings in mangalore, he had 10,000 hours in which 7000 were in command, and 2500 on 737-800 as a captain.
I Don't no if the aircraft was below the glide slope, or in this case it must have been above the glide slope.
Only the cvr and fdr can only tell what had happened.
Rain is not the cause of the crash, It was a pilot error for sure. If he had a doubt in his mind that he would miss the touch down point he should have initiated a go around, which he didn't.
Pilots were also experienced, The first Officer was landing the aircraft, previously he had made 66 landings in mangalore. Captain had made 19 landings in mangalore, he had 10,000 hours in which 7000 were in command, and 2500 on 737-800 as a captain.
I Don't no if the aircraft was below the glide slope, or in this case it must have been above the glide slope.
Only the cvr and fdr can only tell what had happened.