Im on the Process of arranging this Birth Certificate, The procedure is much easier for those People sponsored by Husband or Family Sponsorship, the certificate will be released at the same building at NHA after 1 week.
Unlike, if you are sponsored by the company (I mean Wife and husband has different sponsorship)the procedure would be a bit harder because you have to claim the certificate in salwa road in Jail and Deportation building that would take two weeks to release the certificate.
furthermore, the baby should be register or obtain Visa within the month if not you have to report at the same building in Salwa Rd. at the follow up section. it's kind a long procedure..... extend your patience otherwise your will be patient in Hamad (lol)
Im on the Process of arranging this Birth Certificate, The procedure is much easier for those People sponsored by Husband or Family Sponsorship, the certificate will be released at the same building at NHA after 1 week.
Unlike, if you are sponsored by the company (I mean Wife and husband has different sponsorship)the procedure would be a bit harder because you have to claim the certificate in salwa road in Jail and Deportation building that would take two weeks to release the certificate.
furthermore, the baby should be register or obtain Visa within the month if not you have to report at the same building in Salwa Rd. at the follow up section. it's kind a long procedure..... extend your patience otherwise your will be patient in Hamad (lol)
Good luck to all .........