this thread is a bit desturbimg to ppl wanting to move to Qatar. i am from South Africa. I am a white lady married to a 5th generation South African Indian. my husband is highly educated with 2 degrees (one masters and one honors). would he be turned away at a shopping centre????
I agree with the issue one of the other members mentioned on here. In dubai the labourers used to stare to the point of irretation at all and any western woman. It is quite desturbing, but its a sacrifice i am prepared to make to live in a safe enviroment and earn a good salary.
this thread is a bit desturbimg to ppl wanting to move to Qatar. i am from South Africa. I am a white lady married to a 5th generation South African Indian. my husband is highly educated with 2 degrees (one masters and one honors). would he be turned away at a shopping centre????
I agree with the issue one of the other members mentioned on here. In dubai the labourers used to stare to the point of irretation at all and any western woman. It is quite desturbing, but its a sacrifice i am prepared to make to live in a safe enviroment and earn a good salary.