Absolutely right Rishi. It is all a question of compatibility in thoughts,reasoning, values and lifestyle. This does not mean that both should be alike.

That would be like living with a carbon copy of oneself and that would be a disaster. Two individuals can live together with differences and how you learn to accept or overcome them is the key to a successful marriage.

There are many marriages which could be breaking up, saved through proper counseling. But there are a few that would be better to dissolved in order to allow the two to live separate but happier lives.

In fact I have counselled a lot of people in troubled marriages and that has helped them to understand issues better in different perspectives.

One marriage I could not save because the differences were too many. Total refusal to accept and I encouraged them to live apart because the constant fighting and screaming was affecting the two small kids. I thought that there was a chance that they could appreciate each other better by staying away but they went on to get a divorce after six months.

I think Rishi too would have given his best and maybe she too did but then there are times it is always better to annul such a marriage rather be enslaved in bitterness and mental exhaustion for both.