The European countries would prefer to ban or prohibit wearing the burqa or veils (or whatever you call it) NOT BECAUSE to oppress those who wears them but they are THINKING more of safety and lessening public tension and of course, harrassment.
After the 9/11 incident, people who around the world are still living in fear or apprehension that similar attacks would happen (which is true) and these feelings create "animosity" to those who have the same faith as of those terrorist. They tend to be antagonistic to those who wear arabic clothes or arabs (in general) or even knowing that someone is from the middle east receives unwelcomed attention.
Flipping the coin, in a manne of speaking, the expats who lives in the middle east do observe the dress codes of the country where they reside.
If you're speaking of Qatar, this country has been very linient with the dress code, and some folks do abuse this liniency(sp) by wearing short skirts and skimpy clothes in malls/public places.
The European countries would prefer to ban or prohibit wearing the burqa or veils (or whatever you call it) NOT BECAUSE to oppress those who wears them but they are THINKING more of safety and lessening public tension and of course, harrassment.
After the 9/11 incident, people who around the world are still living in fear or apprehension that similar attacks would happen (which is true) and these feelings create "animosity" to those who have the same faith as of those terrorist. They tend to be antagonistic to those who wear arabic clothes or arabs (in general) or even knowing that someone is from the middle east receives unwelcomed attention.
Flipping the coin, in a manne of speaking, the expats who lives in the middle east do observe the dress codes of the country where they reside.
If you're speaking of Qatar, this country has been very linient with the dress code, and some folks do abuse this liniency(sp) by wearing short skirts and skimpy clothes in malls/public places.