And you posting this make it sounds like you're condoning this relationship.

Am I being judgemental? No...being realistic?..yes

How can these two lovers be happy???

(1) It's a MAY-DECEMBER affais, the guy b eing 62 and the girl being 24y/o.

(2) The guy is MARRIED with a wife and kids. If the guy is leaving his family for this 24 year old girl(old enough to be his daughter) can this 24y/o girl be sure that the guy will stay with him FOREVER???

(3) If this girl is SANE, why would she go for a married guy and not find someone who's within her age range and single?

(4) How could these two love-stricken couple be happy and have a serene relationship when they are hurting people just to be together?

if this is how you define love having no boundaries?

OMG...I hope all those involved in this DRAMA won't get kicked in the but by "KARMA"