So I'm a sleazebag too because I know the general rate for a hooker from Intercon? So if this comes up in general conversation, ie (a sleazy co-worker had one once) I can't use it as an example because I'll be judged even more? Wow. You guys never let up, do you?

Funny though, the same kind of people I learned this stuff from are the same (married) people who had PI girlfriends and simply dumped them when they left, which made me think about what I should do when I left.

But I know how to do a great many things. Once I worked as an in-store loss prevention officer when I was going to college, and I caught shoplifters. But wait! Because I know how they operate, I guess I'm a thief, too, right? Damn, I can't get a break with you guys.

(By the way, I believe the going rate is 800 QR a night, or it was when that grease-bag told me back in 2007.)