flor1212…If you responding to my last post, which I presume you are, then I have said two things:
1. 'specifics' or not a private matter doesn’t remain so when posted on an open forum.
2. In nut shell the relationship started as a 'disposable' relationship.... and that itself makes the whole story that follows questionable.
Did I say ‘payment for services” or implied….none.
Now seems you have no issues on point 1. For point no. 2 please read the following excerpts which I copied for your ready reference:
Posted by OP on 25/4/2010 at 12.44 PM
And to the other jerks, what was I supposed to do in Doha for three years, NOT start a relationship with a girl because I knew I would have to leave in a few years? Listen to yourselves. Besides, she doesn't have any complaints. I made her life much better in those three years, and I made it clear to her we would have to split when I left. So screw all ya' haters.
Posted by me on 25/4/2010 at 12.52 PM
jdylan...lol...in 2nd para you say it wasn't a 'disposable relationship' and in the last para u say 'it was clear to her that the two of you would split when you left'....:)
Posted by OP on 25/4/2010 at 1.00PM ...disposable to me meant short term, that's all. Like weeks or months, but what should I have done? I liked her, should I have left her early on even though I liked her? It's a sad tale. We both liked each other but knew we couldn't get married, but I preferred her company to any other girl. And I can't live in the PI, what would I do there?
flor1212…If you responding to my last post, which I presume you are, then I have said two things:
1. 'specifics' or not a private matter doesn’t remain so when posted on an open forum.
2. In nut shell the relationship started as a 'disposable' relationship.... and that itself makes the whole story that follows questionable.
Did I say ‘payment for services” or implied….none.
Now seems you have no issues on point 1. For point no. 2 please read the following excerpts which I copied for your ready reference:
Posted by OP on 25/4/2010 at 12.44 PM
And to the other jerks, what was I supposed to do in Doha for three years, NOT start a relationship with a girl because I knew I would have to leave in a few years? Listen to yourselves. Besides, she doesn't have any complaints. I made her life much better in those three years, and I made it clear to her we would have to split when I left. So screw all ya' haters.
Posted by me on 25/4/2010 at 12.52 PM
jdylan...lol...in 2nd para you say it wasn't a 'disposable relationship' and in the last para u say 'it was clear to her that the two of you would split when you left'....:)
Posted by OP on 25/4/2010 at 1.00PM
...disposable to me meant short term, that's all. Like weeks or months, but what should I have done? I liked her, should I have left her early on even though I liked her? It's a sad tale. We both liked each other but knew we couldn't get married, but I preferred her company to any other girl. And I can't live in the PI, what would I do there?
Hope you understand now.