go to a movie whenever we want to? Why should we have to stay away from places at certain times, because the locals wanna have a day out? Thats no fair... we put enough into this place to entitle us to have our share of the 'fun' to...

Please don't let that comment rile anyone, but its true... we shouldn't have to have special days when we can go out, we are all co-existing in this country - as much as we are giving, the locals are taking and visa versa...

I understand where you are coming from Genesis with the part about the tone of the post.

The only way the teens will stop behaving in this manner is if Qatari adults teach them - its not up to us to do that - guarenteed, if it was expats behaving like that, they'd be severely wrapped over the knuckles and probably banned from entering the cinema again.... do you think this is fair?

I will answer that for you - no you know its not fair, cause I know you, Genesis, you see things differently to most locals.

Khallas... I think I am done:-)