Mandi, I'm not sure about how you can say 30% of US citizens hold passports. This is information I learned of during the whole Sara Paylin incident of calling people who own passports - spoilt rich brats. This seems to be the only link I can find for the figure I quoted ( can't say how accurate it is )


Anyway, to not get off-topic, bleu is actually right about the GDP per capita figures including all legal residents. The IMF says Qatar has a GDP of 102,302 million USD in 2008. And if the GDP per capita would take only the 200,000 ( approx) Qatari population instead of the 1.8million (approx) legal residents, the GDP would be much higher than 75,956 US$

I know there are other reasons why they would illegally migrate. But does that mean, Singapore ( or any of the other 36 countries in the VWP programme) passport holders are exempt from those reasons.

And regarding the Americans traveling to improve their understanding of the Arab World, the small numbers are not going to change the general outlook of the population. The media is what will change their influence. The majority believes in what the media tells them to.