Sorry Nomerci, I have never heard of special charity from westerners for the underprivileged. If you think they are the only ones being approached for charity, your seriously mistaken. When you speak of charity, the only outstanding cases I've seen are the Arabs during Ramadan and Eid.
And I doubt those underprivileged, that you are speaking about are the ones who are engaging in western bashing in QL. Like I said once before, Racism is not limited to any particular race. It's unfortunate that the genuine tourists are going to be inconvenienced, but this is a result of some people taking advantage of the law, not because the non-westerners are hating on westerners.
Actually, I believe it is legal to come on a visit visa and search for a job. There is no job-searching visa category as far as I'm aware. But working on a tourist visa or keeping your family here on an almost permanent basis as a tourist is against the law. But, lets not make this a western or non-western bashing thread eh?
Linc, there you go talking about the GDP again. GDP is not the accurate measure of a nations wealth, GDP per capita is. If the US and Europe did not have their fear of Muslims, Qatari's, based on their High GDP per capita, would definitely have been given visa on arrival.
Sorry Nomerci, I have never heard of special charity from westerners for the underprivileged. If you think they are the only ones being approached for charity, your seriously mistaken. When you speak of charity, the only outstanding cases I've seen are the Arabs during Ramadan and Eid.
And I doubt those underprivileged, that you are speaking about are the ones who are engaging in western bashing in QL. Like I said once before, Racism is not limited to any particular race. It's unfortunate that the genuine tourists are going to be inconvenienced, but this is a result of some people taking advantage of the law, not because the non-westerners are hating on westerners.
Actually, I believe it is legal to come on a visit visa and search for a job. There is no job-searching visa category as far as I'm aware. But working on a tourist visa or keeping your family here on an almost permanent basis as a tourist is against the law. But, lets not make this a western or non-western bashing thread eh?
Linc, there you go talking about the GDP again. GDP is not the accurate measure of a nations wealth, GDP per capita is. If the US and Europe did not have their fear of Muslims, Qatari's, based on their High GDP per capita, would definitely have been given visa on arrival.