We are an Aussie family and have been in Doha for 12 months now. We recently returned to Australia to have our son 7 assessed for schooling and disablities after nurmerous attempts at enrolling him here and homeschooling him full time since arriving.
After two months of assessments he has been diagnosed with very mild autism spectum, undermethylation and pyrrolia. We are looking into the learning centre but are also searching for social outlets so he is mixing with other children.
Does anybody have any information regarding the learning centre and his chances of acceptance?
Also is there any groups of which not only he will fit into but will also give myself a chance to meet people in a similar situation here in doha? It is not only important for him to socialize but myself, I am not sure about groups such as the home school group and what they entail.
We are an Aussie family and have been in Doha for 12 months now. We recently returned to Australia to have our son 7 assessed for schooling and disablities after nurmerous attempts at enrolling him here and homeschooling him full time since arriving.
After two months of assessments he has been diagnosed with very mild autism spectum, undermethylation and pyrrolia. We are looking into the learning centre but are also searching for social outlets so he is mixing with other children.
Does anybody have any information regarding the learning centre and his chances of acceptance?
Also is there any groups of which not only he will fit into but will also give myself a chance to meet people in a similar situation here in doha? It is not only important for him to socialize but myself, I am not sure about groups such as the home school group and what they entail.
Any advice or assistance is really appreciated.