Looks like I will be able top use my sim and number when I will be in Doha.
One other qauestion:
Will I have to take some new plan or I can maintain the same plan when I bought this SIM last Christmas. When I bought that SIM I was able to call anywhere in world with 25 filis. So will I still be able to make phone call anywhere with 25 filis or I will to take or adopt new plan.
Looks like I will be able top use my sim and number when I will be in Doha.
One other qauestion:
Will I have to take some new plan or I can maintain the same plan when I bought this SIM last Christmas. When I bought that SIM I was able to call anywhere in world with 25 filis. So will I still be able to make phone call anywhere with 25 filis or I will to take or adopt new plan.
Anybody here Please advise. Thanks