we can get them to learn quran in some local mosques near my house the imams usually come an teach quran after asr prayers everyday.
as regarding teaching religion if we should let them to decide which relgion they should follow then we should also let them to decide to study school or not and most of them who have lavish upbringing in doha may not prefer to study or prefer to hang out with friends and mess their lives.
islam gives an idea and concept of one god the all mighty and to worship him alone and follow five pillars:
1. salah - to pray five times
2.shada- to testify that there is only one god and muhammad is his messenger
3.hajj- pilgriamge
4.zakat- giving alms to the poor
5. sawm- to fast on the month of ramadan
if a kid from his early age taught to follows these things does it mean he is brain washed???
we can get them to learn quran in some local mosques near my house the imams usually come an teach quran after asr prayers everyday.
as regarding teaching religion if we should let them to decide which relgion they should follow then we should also let them to decide to study school or not and most of them who have lavish upbringing in doha may not prefer to study or prefer to hang out with friends and mess their lives.
islam gives an idea and concept of one god the all mighty and to worship him alone and follow five pillars:
1. salah - to pray five times
2.shada- to testify that there is only one god and muhammad is his messenger
3.hajj- pilgriamge
4.zakat- giving alms to the poor
5. sawm- to fast on the month of ramadan
if a kid from his early age taught to follows these things does it mean he is brain washed???