it will depend on what your company is offering you with regards to salary and benefits. Try and get a housing and education allowance if possible as that is your most expensive outlay. Read up on the "Sample budget" on the bottom tight of this page as that is a good estimate. Compared to South Africa, there is not a lot of outdoor activities to participate in unless you join a club etc. The country is not big enough plus it is too hot during the day to go out. It can be a total cultural shock in some aspects. There is however, a South African community here and if you get into contact with them via facebook I am sure those with children will be able to give you a lot more info and advice. you can look up South Africans in Qatar under groups to get the link.
it will depend on what your company is offering you with regards to salary and benefits. Try and get a housing and education allowance if possible as that is your most expensive outlay. Read up on the "Sample budget" on the bottom tight of this page as that is a good estimate. Compared to South Africa, there is not a lot of outdoor activities to participate in unless you join a club etc. The country is not big enough plus it is too hot during the day to go out. It can be a total cultural shock in some aspects. There is however, a South African community here and if you get into contact with them via facebook I am sure those with children will be able to give you a lot more info and advice. you can look up South Africans in Qatar under groups to get the link.