what a load of crap. Common sense advice (eat plently of veg and avoid junk food) dressed up in pseudoscientific nonsense (strawberries keep you young because they have anti-oxidents...they may have antioxidents but they won't do anything to restore your telomeres.)

Just going to pick on the beta carotene can cure lung cancer one because it couldn't be further from the truth.
two large scale trials had to be cancelled early because they discovered people taking the beta carotene suppliments were more likely to develop cancer.

I also hate the natural=good implication. Bird poo and stones are natural but I'm sure as hell not going to munch on them.

Don't forget Asprin, made from the bark of the Willow Tree. Proved to cure headaches and reduce the chance of stroke.

Penicilin - bread mould. before, TB was the worlds biggest killer, infected were locked away in sanitariums for the protection of everyone else, now TB is a non issue in the developed world.

Streptomycin - chemical produced by soil bacteria, the first marketed antibiotic, revolutionised medicine in a world ravaged by war.