If he is treating you well, generous in his house to you and his children, then disregard. If you want your family to survive, Allah will reward you at the end. Pray for his HIDAYA and pray that ALLAH yi9a5rah for you and his family.
If all women were to run to divorce once cheated on, there would not be any marriages left in this world.
Good luck!
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~
If he is treating you well, generous in his house to you and his children, then disregard. If you want your family to survive, Allah will reward you at the end. Pray for his HIDAYA and pray that ALLAH yi9a5rah for you and his family.
If all women were to run to divorce once cheated on, there would not be any marriages left in this world.
Good luck!
~*Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret*~