I look at the world realistically, I don't have a problem with the way Qataris wish to live... but it would seem like not all your countrymen and women feel the same.

I love your "rose coloured glasses' that you look through... I am sorry to disappoint you, but just because the media doesn't report things that happen in Qatar like they do in western countries does not mean to say they don't happen here.

1) Crime is on the rise - take a look at the posts that are posted here and on the odd occassion in the newspaper (when they are allowed to print it - and also only the ones they have caught - never the ones that got away) - The only reason its not as rampant as it is in my country.... there are 45million south africans (excluding the illigal immigrants) and not enough policemen - in Qatar, the population is so small that its easy to control things - thats why people get caught, quickly.

2) Teenage pregnancy - Aids - Diseases - Again, has to do with what can be printed and not - I know of 2 Qatari women that have been removed from Qatar for babies out of marriage - no one talks about them. Aids and other diseases - not recorded amongst the population because locals don't have to submit to blood tests like foreigners do - wonder how many cases of AIDS return after trips abroad.

Now all this being said - I love Qatar, I consider it my home - but I am not going to close my eyes to things anymore than I would in my own country just because someone tells me too - I have my own mine - given to me by God - and he expects me to use it.

If you studied abroad, you should have learnt 1)That there is more to the world out there, than what you are spoon fed here, 2) Hollywood is not real life 2) Sometimes people twist things to fit their own agenda!

visit www.qaws.org