Saw the blinking lights from my rearview mirror that's why I decided to give way, turned on my TURN RIGHT LIGHT to the dirt road as I stepped on my brake for a slow stop to let it pass since it's in a hurry and I'm not. I'm already lost at that time and my only thought was to find my way back to the roads I know.

But before my car came to a FULL stop, it skidded and I saw that hole/ditch too late. Next thing I knew, the car fell SIDEWAYS. If I did managed to turn left to avoid the ditch, I know I would lose control and might have hit head on with any incoming cars/vehicles...which would be a much worse scenario.

THAT DITCH is unmarked/Uncovered in an unlit diversion road...and I'm the only one involved in the said road mishap.

The policemen saw the (mine)car's tire tracks and there's no way one could see it from the road UNLESS YOU FALL IN IT...which I DID.