Irrespective of all the concerns, it is a normal procedure for MOI to conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances leading to death for any person that happens outside Hospital (all cases other that doctors certify that the death was due to medical conditions). If an expact, the body can not be taken out of country with out a death certificate from MOI. MOI conduct an autopsy and investigation leading to the cause of death and this will be recorded in the death certificate. In this particular case, if a negligence was caused due to Gym, they will sure be prosecuted.

As far as CPR is considered, I still have the same opinion. It is not a requirement that a person shall be given CPR (other than humanitarian grounds). However the lack of awareness or fear of getting in to troubles prevents a qualified person to do that.

This is an unfortunate event and shall be a good lesson for Gym to motivate people to undergo medical examination prior to starting of any exercise program and not just getting the forms signed. I know the management of some one big club in the country and I am aware that authorities conduct regular inspection to ensure proper safety and hygienic conditions. In this respect Qatar is much ahead of most of other countries and we can witness that in food outlets and markets.