I do know this: I am to sign that particular form to attest that I have no history of any medical issues(the list is long) and that it is also stated that the gym goer has consulted with a physician for proper evaluation.

Usually than not, the gym staff and personnel would do a BMI and give you a programme to follow for weight loss or gain, body contioning/toning etc.

I agree with some of the comments above...though the gym and it's staff and personnel are equipped and trained to do CPR, the culture in this country may find the AIDER responsible for the victim's situation. THAT what makes everyone make second thoughts in helping the poor man.

But if it's not in Qatar, I'm sure everyone would have helped rescucitate the person. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

I might suggest that before the bereaved go home, they should consult and seek legal counsel if the establishment could be sued for GROSS NEGLIGENCE resulting to death.

IMO only....