Keith.. first of all thanks for a sobre response, quite unfamiliar on QL (since I have been on QL)...:)
I think earlier when this web site started it was new and people got a platform to interact with the people who are very much in the same place i.e. Doha, they found some plac i.e. QL to get to know each other and so there were many things which seemed new to discuss and discuss at length about living in Qatar and in the process get to know each other (now this is just my assumption based on the bits and pieces of posts of some QLers as I have not read any of the old threads).... now seems everything one wants to know is already in the history pages of QL forum topics, so there is nothing much fruitful or engrossing to discuss and may be thats why even though some of the old timers did feel bad about the quality of topics couldnt come up with anything of quality to discuss...
BTW one thing that amazes me is the same Qlers who complain of denegration of QL could also be found in the same chat room mode, as you mentioned, on some threads...just open a few threads in the past few days and you will know...
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Keith.. first of all thanks for a sobre response, quite unfamiliar on QL (since I have been on QL)...:)
I think earlier when this web site started it was new and people got a platform to interact with the people who are very much in the same place i.e. Doha, they found some plac i.e. QL to get to know each other and so there were many things which seemed new to discuss and discuss at length about living in Qatar and in the process get to know each other (now this is just my assumption based on the bits and pieces of posts of some QLers as I have not read any of the old threads).... now seems everything one wants to know is already in the history pages of QL forum topics, so there is nothing much fruitful or engrossing to discuss and may be thats why even though some of the old timers did feel bad about the quality of topics couldnt come up with anything of quality to discuss...
BTW one thing that amazes me is the same Qlers who complain of denegration of QL could also be found in the same chat room mode, as you mentioned, on some threads...just open a few threads in the past few days and you will know...
One life to live, live it to the fullest.