If you don't want your kids seeing questionable content on the net, then there are ways to block it within your own household, and you can set your own parameters (some folks are more strict than others) so that it best suits your and your family's needs.

The problem with Q-Tel blocking sites is that they also block sites that have useful material on them. Medical websites are often blocked because they contain photographs of certain parts of the human body. This created a problem for one of my students years ago who was doing research on female genital mutilation. She ended up having to change her topic at the last minute because she could not access enough material online because Q-Tel was blocking it all.

If Qatar is striving to be a "knowledge-based society" all around (and not just on the Education City campus, where internet access if unfettered and completely free)then they need to rethink their current stance of restricting access to information.

"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris