it sounds like there IS already an abuse hotline here.
But it also sounds like it needs to be advertised more effectively.
And from what I have heard from mental health professionals here, the organization sponsoring the hotline needs to do a better job of advocating for the victims of abuse (read: intervening and providing assistance to victims).

We in the West are used to authorities sticking their noses into private situations when there is a question about behavior/abuse, treatment of people, living conditions, etc. -- and even then, it's supremely difficult to get victims to come forward and report the abuse because they are fearful of the repercussions.

That is much more of a concern here because the local culture attaches such great importance to privacy and family/personal reputation.
It's a tough line to walk.

That said, it would be interesting to see a break-down of the stats on reported abuse in Qatar thus far.
How many have to do with:
local families (Qatari)-vs-expatriates
domestic workers filing complaints against employers
child abuse complaints
sexual abuse complaints
female-vs-male perpetrators

"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris