The law effectively return what a check was ment to be in the first place, a cash alternative. Currently, it is being used as in insurance for payment, which can be done in many other ways, not necessarily yet available in Qatar.
According o legal experts, no one should issue prepaid checks after May 2010. Rather, you agree with the landlord or others to present them with a single chec kfew days before payment due time.
The problem is not for the tenants, the problem is for the landlord as they have to request payment in a legal manner, which post dated check are not one of the options.
The law effectively return what a check was ment to be in the first place, a cash alternative. Currently, it is being used as in insurance for payment, which can be done in many other ways, not necessarily yet available in Qatar.
According o legal experts, no one should issue prepaid checks after May 2010. Rather, you agree with the landlord or others to present them with a single chec kfew days before payment due time.
The problem is not for the tenants, the problem is for the landlord as they have to request payment in a legal manner, which post dated check are not one of the options.
Here is a good link in arabic
and rough translation