Now, on the street that day, I did feel that all the energy could be channeled into something more constructive. I think the youth needed an avenue to display their love for the country and do not have many avenues to exhibit this other than just honking on the streets. On the other hand, i also noticed the emiratis doing the same on their national day (on youtube). So what is it with the honking? some background to it? I don't understand.
Anyways, bottomline, people were trying to be creative. So, if there is a competition of sorts organized somewhere
-for the best decorated car,
-daring stunts - with safety measures inplace (referring to the guys sitting on roof tops :)
-horn music :)
i don't know, just thinking out loud, but something like this could be organized to channel the energy into something more constructive.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Now, on the street that day, I did feel that all the energy could be channeled into something more constructive. I think the youth needed an avenue to display their love for the country and do not have many avenues to exhibit this other than just honking on the streets. On the other hand, i also noticed the emiratis doing the same on their national day (on youtube). So what is it with the honking? some background to it? I don't understand.
Anyways, bottomline, people were trying to be creative. So, if there is a competition of sorts organized somewhere
-for the best decorated car,
-daring stunts - with safety measures inplace (referring to the guys sitting on roof tops :)
-horn music :)
i don't know, just thinking out loud, but something like this could be organized to channel the energy into something more constructive.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.