I think the criticisms on that thread now deleted were out of order. I for one, enjoyed the festive atmosphere on the streets but had i said so on the thread, some members in their infinite wisdom would have deemed fit to call me names!
Yes, there are always lessons learned and some of the incidents reported should be avoided in future. However in my humble opinion, the language used in the criticism was demeaning and vengeful rather than constructive. Anyways, all in all i trust that lessons would have been learned, both from on the street activities as well as controversy resulting from the criticism.
And ofcourse, QL is a blogging site, an excellant platform for everyone to voice their opinions and simply due to the nature of blogging, the site cannot be held entirely responsible for all content on it.
all the best to everyone.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
I think the criticisms on that thread now deleted were out of order. I for one, enjoyed the festive atmosphere on the streets but had i said so on the thread, some members in their infinite wisdom would have deemed fit to call me names!
Yes, there are always lessons learned and some of the incidents reported should be avoided in future. However in my humble opinion, the language used in the criticism was demeaning and vengeful rather than constructive. Anyways, all in all i trust that lessons would have been learned, both from on the street activities as well as controversy resulting from the criticism.
And ofcourse, QL is a blogging site, an excellant platform for everyone to voice their opinions and simply due to the nature of blogging, the site cannot be held entirely responsible for all content on it.
all the best to everyone.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.