As a Planner Engineer since you don’t have any work experience
Your Salary Structure it can be like this,.
Basic Salary – 3,500 QR
Housing Allowance. – 2,400 QR
Living Allowance – 1,000 QR
Transportation – Mostly Provided by the Company
2 ways Ticket every year
30 Days paid leave per year.
Total Gross – 6,900.00 QR
As per our company salary structure for starting Planner engineer.
But it depends in your company if they give you higher offer it will be great.
If your company ask about your inspected salary offer, since you don’t know coz you don’t have work experience. They’re the one who will decide your salary structure…
Hope will help….
As a Planner Engineer since you don’t have any work experience
Your Salary Structure it can be like this,.
Basic Salary – 3,500 QR
Housing Allowance. – 2,400 QR
Living Allowance – 1,000 QR
Transportation – Mostly Provided by the Company
2 ways Ticket every year
30 Days paid leave per year.
Total Gross – 6,900.00 QR
As per our company salary structure for starting Planner engineer.
But it depends in your company if they give you higher offer it will be great.
If your company ask about your inspected salary offer, since you don’t know coz you don’t have work experience. They’re the one who will decide your salary structure…
Hope will help….