when I found this site, I enjoy reading the banters between eviloops,sexydoctor, Xena,ducky, serendipity, PM,e46M3, Tigasin321 and the posts and comments of spicemom, Aisha, aviduser, dragonfly212, han19, pwb78, charmed, the truth 321, wizmotr, JBH, Jamaican Magnum, Cornellian, Q____View, KellysHeroes, Mis-Cat, jauntie, mufy, zyga, Amigo66, skanky, desert_queen, Absolutejaguar, QT, working_mom, Fatcat, whoami and so much more...

Where are they? either they're in FB or just left coz they feel that QL has "gone to the dogs"??

For me, I just stayed coz I could keep abreast of what's going on in QL...but all I read lately are religion and/or RACIAL bashing. Most of the time, for the lack of nothing better to discuss, some posters PROVOKE others to comment about their race, religion...then they're the one's who cries foul when reprimanded by the MODS. Utterly boringly pathetic, if I may say so...

to answer your Question: Weren't there some sites who tried (with NO SUCCESS)to copy QL and enticed the QLers to join them? Even them had better features, better set-up but still people would stick with QL coz it's ORIGINAL.

I prefer www.Iloveqatar.net if I'm not logged on to QL coz that site has it's own personality and set-up. In my opinion, but I could say, both sites complement each other.