Ok guys, breathe in, breathe out.... there are interesting comments from everyone here, which is why this is a great site. True, there are more rapes reported to have occurred since apartheid was abolished, true, there could be more being actually reported as opposed to increase in the number or rapes as Winn stated; Also we have to consider that with all this new technology, information is more attainable than back then; true, cultural and racial myths and beliefs have been cited as reasons, true, Zuma was acquitted but then again so was OJ Simpson, true,Jacob Zuma was voted in as president by the people. you have to admit, that to a certain extent he is a dynamic leader and an icon to the masses, but then again, so was Adolf Hitler, Stalin and many other leaders that were responsible for genocide and other atrocities. They appealed to the middle and lower social classes, the illiterate,and in particular, the youth with promises of a great future which they so innocently believe because they came from the same background and they could relate to them. What a pity, that he dances around on stage singing "bring me my machine gun" and advocating taking a shower instead of using a condom when he rapes.. sorry, has consensual sexual intercourse with his friends' daughter,or has corruption charges dropped because of technicalities, he should be setting an example to the youth and the people who voted him in. He is supposed to represent his country, his people, what they believe in, what they hope for for their children and grandchildren.. holy cow, have we really lowered our standards that much? Oh by the way, I AM a South African and I am a statistic of violent crime and sexual assault during the '76 Soweto uprising AND 2004 "New regime" so I DO know what I am talking about.