judging other muslims... isn't that wrong too?

Superwoman, I see exactly where you are coming from, and i sympathise with you. I agree with ExiledSaint... this should be a person's choice, not up to anyone else...

I often read a blog of an American lady married to a Saudi and she often says that it would seem muslims are not trusted to live their lives correctly so the Muttawa's feel the need to make laws and regulations to stop them from getting into anything "sinful".

People, muslim or not, have been given the right to choose the path they wish to take in life... it was a gift from God, giving you free will - of course he wants us to use it wisely, but I am sure he understood that sometimes we will have our own will and not his - otherwise why did he bother? He could have not given any will but his....

One_Shot and the rest of you who are judging SW - you have no right to judge someone else due to there own personal beliefs - live your own lives - its not affecting you.

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


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