I was thinking the same thing Alexa...

SDK...do you NOT see the irony of what you just said? That people can't say anything about YOUR(or others) country and its people who have never stepped into the country and doesn't know much about it at all.

ALL you have to do is look at, I'd say, 95% of the posts on QL and see how many times America(and Americans) are slammed for everything under the sun! I would be willing to bet that the majority of those who do the slamming haven't seen, stepped foot, or even spoken to an American. My goodness we even get blamed for creating wars that started WAY before we were even a country!

Let's not go for a double standard on comments concerning countries..what's ok for one should be ok for another.

Now on the Noble prize...not sure I would go as far as giving it to Obama since he's not been in office long enough to say what he's doing is going to work or not, BUT, he IS trying. And as Samix said that this is to stop Americans from thinking...sorry Samix, but I burst out laughing at that comment. I find you funny, altho complete wrong! You obviously don't know us very well!!

Give Obama time..he's having to deal with what Bush put into action before he left office. That will take a MINIMUM of 2 years to see any type of results. I swear some people think that the changes should have been overnight or even BEFORE he was sworn in!!!

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.