the malvssiby site to know all that... I coulda told you:-) an alaskan malamute can pull up to 7X its own body weight.... if it fights... it fights to kill (this is a rare occurance)- it exerts one of the most powerful bites amoungst any of the other breeds - coming in close to a pitbull and rotweiller - althought they are similar to Sibys in temprement - they seem to have a shorter patience limit - a siby is much more of a pack animal than a Mal, who much prefers to be on his own with one other mate(human or dog) and will go out of its way to protect that mate, forsaking anything or anyone else in the process:-)

Thanks for the great evening angel... as usual you outdid yourself... although not that difficult when you have a lovely partner in crime (witchstix)

Lovely to meet every one - old and new memebers. Lets get together soon.... Da, a bowling tourney should be good - looking forward to it:-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

