You will need to mention to your company that you have cats and you need a cat friendly place... not all compounds or apartments allow pets, assuming your company will be providing accomodation, then you need to findout ahead of time, cause mostly they will put you in their choice, not yours. But if you are getting an allowance then you can choose where you want to stay and find one that is cat friendly.
Hope this helps.
Dogs are a little more difficult if you are not going into a compound.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
You will need to mention to your company that you have cats and you need a cat friendly place... not all compounds or apartments allow pets, assuming your company will be providing accomodation, then you need to findout ahead of time, cause mostly they will put you in their choice, not yours. But if you are getting an allowance then you can choose where you want to stay and find one that is cat friendly.
Hope this helps.
Dogs are a little more difficult if you are not going into a compound.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME