Genesis, That's an interesting viewpoint. You feel that censors should be enforced in the theaters in Qatar because the majority of the parents simply OK a child going to the movies without an inking of what the content of the movies is the child is going to be exposed to?
Basically you want to have it rated.
But would you draw from standardized Western rating according to what the West deems appropriate?
Or have provisions been made to form a Qatari committee that has a say, or should I be asking IF they want to have a say?
Would you as a Qatari prefer to have your own yard stick when it comes to deciding what rating suits your culture & people or is adopting anothers fine by you?

Not so long ago I went to a movie here: Land of the Lost.
The movie was about these men time warped into prehistoric times. The story had the usual save the world from the evil villain theme, but it the story focused on a fruit bearing tree that when drunk induced a psychedelic high.
These guys would just drink, get stoned over and over, once even trying to kiss each other....In one very suggestive scene the three men woke up sandwiched in a position whereby each was able to 'service' one another respectively, obviously suggesting what they got up to overnight while they were blissfully unaware, and this was supposed to be humourous?!
In the end one of the men didn't want to return home stating he wanted to live near his drug tree.
Now you don't need to be a genius to see what type of culture the movie is suggesting.
I strongly recommend that you see the movie & judge for yourself.
Interestingly while I was in the movie theater I looked around to see if anyone else was as displeased as I was, there were hardly any parents attending, just their experimental kids.
Mind you the movie makers were clever as there were no nude scenes or violence, but the movie was hard selling deviant sexual behavior and drugs.
In other countries that have rating systems it would have been rated pg 12, maybe even a U and this is according to a different culture.
Now back to the point, as a local enthusiastic about embracing an even lesser restricted 'movie culture' as all the fine film festivals and developed countries do.
We are not talking about Elizabeth Taylors Cleopatra or The ten commandments or even The Godfather.

Tastes have changed, you will find offerings by acclaimed 'abstract artists of the silver screen' such as the maker of the movie The Antichrist which premiered during the Competition portion of the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.[25] Charlotte Gainsbourg won the Cannes Film Festival's award for Best Actress.[23]
Here is an excerpt below:-
She hits His te*ti*les with a wooden plank so hard that it is implied they are crushed. While He is unconscious, she ma*tu*bat*s him until he ej*cul*tes blood. She then drills a hole through his shin to bolt him onto a grindstone. In a later scene, She cuts off her own cl*tor*s with a pair of rusty scissors.[30]

Some of the cultured reviews from the website rottentomatoes- a well known movie review site have said

-Antichrist is one of the best films of the year, if not the decade. D.K. Holm
Quick Stop Entertainment
- It’s thrilling to see that von Trier’s vicious sense of mischief, his moviemaking skill and his desire to smash limits and expectations all remain undimmed. However you swallow it, this bizarre, hysterical melodrama is impossible to ignore. Jonathan Crocker
Little White Lies
-Antichrist is something to be experienced rather than understood, at least at a first viewing, and it concludes in the visionary epilogue on a tone of tragic tranquillity. Philip French
Observer [UK]

I ask you just because "it shouldn't be censored(As many posters have already implied )this is already followed in festivals around the world (even in our region)" does that mean this the type of culture you would like the people of Qatar to embrace?