I have ever heard from you..... I and always chuckle when you post...

Actually, an interesting phenomenon about SA... is if you are black, go there, if you are white.. stay away...

Why do you think most of the 'white' popluation are immigrating? Because whites are not able to survive in the 'jobs' society - everything is affirmative action - pretty much like Qatarisation - if you are black, you get the job, qualified or not...

Regarding crime.... sorry, but as far as I will tell you, its as bad in New York or London.... be alert and security conscious and you will be fine....

Don't allow people to put you off going if thats what you want...

My reasons for being in Qatar have nothing to do with the above, I purely wanted an adventure - to experience something different, but if I had to go home again for whatever reason, I wouldn't hesitate.

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


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