Next time you are out take a look at the faces and actions of Qatari couples, yes I've had the pleasure of observing happy interacting couples, I've also observed many 'forced' couples sitting face to blank face not even saying ONE word to one another during the course of their meal. It's really quite heartbreaking to notice the huge lack of intimacy & it does coincide with what the local women have complained about.
Next time you're out observe a bit, you'll see what I mean. Oddly enough in Islam men are reminded often how to treat their wives with love & respect, but as a few of my Qatari male friends responded to me in a tongue and cheek manner when I ask that "men are superior to women" Adding a very patriarchal twist to an Islamic mannerism meaning that men should be the provider for women
We can't really say that it's scarcity of women or as Lonewolv interjected -forcing women to cover their shoulders and legs- because we're discussing the homosexuality of the Qatari married man who goes home to his a trendy uncovered beautiful wife, so his gay tendencies can't be blamed on the lack of visual stimulation.
As the posters above confirmed it's something that a considerable number of Qatari men have been known for and accustomed to in their teenage years.
I doubt that even my previous scarcity of women is to blame as local men travel and Qatar has changed considerably and there is an abundance of , excuse my term 'useable women' often joked about on forums here with reference to the Ramada and the Chinese, was it?
Still we see the youth with long hair and tight toubes and a very questionable gait.
Disclaimer! I know a great many local friends of mine some of whom are great family men that also share my opinion. To the Gays reading this, If I offended any of you, in the closet or out, my apologies but I don't approve of your lifestyles