I found his suggestion for one Israeli & Palestinian state very interesting whereby having equal rights and the ability to vote within the unison of a democratic nation, could be a possible solution. But obviously a solution like this wouldn't go down well with many, including the security council :/

I loved the fact that he mentioned that Muslims have lived in peace with Jews for centuries. The terror tactics of the holocaust was the wests invention & not ours.

He pointed out the injustice of a bias system that gives favored countries the power of veto and not others countries.
Blatantly stating the huge disadvantage of belonging to an organization that doesn't give equal rights.

He pointed out the hypocrisy of the UN allowing an illegal war on Iraq and holds the perpetrators above justice.

He also mentioned that how was the hanging of Sadam allowed by an unknown party? Why were the men's faces covered, he pointed out that Sadam was a general there are special procedures for the capital punishment of such cases. He demanded an official investigation.

Yes he also called for an official investigation of JFK's assignation, and why was the sniper killed by a Jew before a trail, obviously hinting to the Israeli Mossad involvement.

I heard it live; I need it in Arabic again to translate it myself as many of his very interesting points appear to be lost in the UN translators' version.