You'll find most schools don't want to pay in Qatar - it really has nothing to do with Islam.
The teacher is the one to suffer because he / she is the one at the bottom. Cuts will be made but the teacher will be expected to take up the slack - instead of making the teacher's job easier it becomes harder. Iqra is no different if cuts are to be made they don't look at other efficiences instead they try to cut back on teachers or teachers' pay - administration is an area which is severely inefficent in most schools.
You'll find most schools don't want to pay in Qatar - it really has nothing to do with Islam.
The teacher is the one to suffer because he / she is the one at the bottom. Cuts will be made but the teacher will be expected to take up the slack - instead of making the teacher's job easier it becomes harder. Iqra is no different if cuts are to be made they don't look at other efficiences instead they try to cut back on teachers or teachers' pay - administration is an area which is severely inefficent in most schools.