'Raison D etre said Dreadful news, I love cats. ...
Bravo to the humanitarians behind the creation of QAWS and off course to those that helped with this trajedy.
God Bless you all.
I was wondering, other that the good hearted founders,organizers & donators , does Qaws get further funding from official bodies in Qatar?
Has it had any official recognition or is it an organization created and maintained soley by its individual QAWS patrons?
Finally pardon me if I missed this info, but what caused the fire in the first place, was it at all investigated by the fire department as they usually should assess the source.'

@ RD – QAWS has been trying for the last 5 years to be recognised as a official charity – we have been everywhere, spoken to everyone, filled in all the paper work and sometimes even given in documentation over and above what was required, but still, we the individual QAWS patrons, along with the help of the local and expat public – that assist to keep the shelter in food and supplies - are solely responsible for the expenses of running the rescue. Inshallah, someone will hear us, one day.

The initial finding on the cause of the fire is an electrical fault – our staff on site told us that they found the electrical box on fire and tried to extinghuish it, but it was too late.

'Sugar Qtr said I suggest you contact QACA ...
I suggest you contact QACA to start legalizing QAWS. I'm sure they wouldn't mind it.'

@ Sugar Qtr… please see my above reply to RD.

'Sugar Qtr said leilany2, FYI, RICH QATARI's ...
leilany2, FYI, RICH QATARI's as you are calling out for don't give a rats bum about cats and dogs. Truth be told. I mentioned this accident to a few people that I thought could financially help, but all they said was, cats? dogs? WHO CARES! I even mentioned this to an American and she said the same thing. I think the news is out and all the supporters are doing the best they could in helping out QAWS family.

Watch your words, I'm offended by your comment!'

@ Sugar Qtr again… actually, I beg to differ… there are many rich Qataris that are more than happy to help… I am offended by YOUR comment of generalizing….

'120kph@roundabout said what is this? ...
a kind of propaganda to make the attention of peoples?hope its a accident?......'

@ 120kph…. I have no idea what you say to you… I am so shocked that you would even make such a statement…. That you would even think that anyone of us could contemplate hurting animals that we rescued in the first place, why would we have bothered to take them in? I will speak on behalf of myself and the rest of the QAWS staff and say, we are deeply offended that you would even suggest something so malicious… we have been devastated by the loss of our animals… The trauma of the surviving dogs is even more difficult for us to bear – watching normally lively dogs, lying in the kennel at the vet surgery, not eating, depressed – do you really believe we want this for our animals? Death and destruction? I pity your mind…

however, saying this.... I am not surprised - we knew at sometime, someone would make an accusation like this... as bad as it sounds, thank goodness we WERE NOT insured, as then many more would probably think like 120... QAWS have lost everything, from paper towels to brand new A/C units, washing machines and fridges... and most importantly animals that were very near and dear to us - statements like the one made above - are made by people with distrust in there hearts...

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME


visit www.qaws.org